Bloody red sky and feeling like Marilyn Monroe - Reisverslag uit Auckland, Nieuw Zeeland van Linda Adriaans - Bloody red sky and feeling like Marilyn Monroe - Reisverslag uit Auckland, Nieuw Zeeland van Linda Adriaans -

Bloody red sky and feeling like Marilyn Monroe

Door: Linda Adriaans

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Linda

21 Februari 2016 | Nieuw Zeeland, Auckland

De week is hier weer eens voorbij gevlogen. Een chinees lantaarn festival om het Chinese nieuwjaar in te luiden. Erg leuk om eens mee te maken en wat een menigte die hier op af kwam. Maar vooral een hele relaxte en ontspannen sfeertje. Heel fijn om je weekend zo in te gaan.

De dag erna zijn we naar een van de zichtbepalende elementen in het stadsbeeld van Auckland gegaan… Rangitoto Island ofterwijl bloody red sky. Deze vulkaan zie je namelijk vanaf vele punten in Auckland. Rangitoto is een eiland van lava en Auckland’s jongste vulkaan die nog steeds vele jaren ouder is dan mij. 600 Jaar oud wel te verstaan. Rangitoto Island is een beschermd natuur gebied en bestaat eigenlijk vooral uit lava heeeell veel lava, de natuur die door de lava heen groeit en aangespoeld hout, waar onder andere de woonhuizen vroeger van zijn gemaakt. Er is dan ook eigenlijk niks op het eiland buiten de vulkaan. Zelfs geen prullenbak! Al het afval dient namelijk terug meegenomen te worden naar het vaste land. Ook de weg die over Rangitoto loopt is gemaakt door de gevangenen van Auckland, als een dagbestedingsproject. Deze gevangenen hebben het zonder veel gereedschap (in elk geval zonder machines) moeten maken, in niet veel meer dan hun overal die ze in de gevangenis aan hadden. Vaak ook zonder petje of andere vorm van hoofdbedekking waardoor het nogal een zware dagtaak was. Het was dan ook een erg adembenemend eiland.
Aan het begin leek het lopen over de lava brokken nogal eng want alles zat los, maar na 5 minuutjes danste ik er als het ware over heen. Ik ben dan ook niet meer zo bang voor de Tongariro crossing die ik met een dikke maand moet afleggen, al gaat het wel érg zwaar worden voor mijn benen… een klim van 9 uur.

Na de ferry weer terug te hebben genomen naar Auckland zijn we nog eventjes langs the warehouse gegaan, enigszins vergelijkbaar met de action in Nederland maar dan groter. Hier heb ik samen met mijn Roomie nog even enkele dingetjes gekocht voor ons appartementje om het iets gezelliger te maken en om te zorgen dat we dan eindelijk op de (viezige) banken durven te zitten.

Wat het leven in ons appartementje weer iets dragelijker maakt. Wel kwamen we nog muizenvallen tegen onder de bank. Mijn oude huisgenoten in Nederland zullen wel begrijpen wat voor schrik dit mij (in de split second dat ik ze zag) opleverde. Maar tot nu toe geen muis gezien en hopelijk blijft dit zo haha!

In Auckland is het soms lastig om jurkjes en rokjes te dragen, helaas doe ik dit nogal vaak. Het heeft mij tot nu toe al 2 keer een soort Marilyn Monroe momentje opgeleverd. Daar sta je dan bijna in je ondergoed… Waarna ik mijn jurkje de rest van de route maar eventjes vast heb gehouden.

  • 21 Februari 2016 - 17:59

    Lies Adriaans :

    wat een leuk verslag een hele ervaring in dit verre land oma

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Verslag uit: Nieuw Zeeland, Auckland


Have you ever felt like you have been thrown in the deep? It feels like you do not have any boundaries anymore and you have to figure a lot out yourself. Well these are my expectations of my work placement. Not so much, that I do not have boundaries during my stay with XPO Exhibitions Ltd. Because I know there will be as they are one of the biggest trade show organizers in New Zealand and want to keep this name up. But more that I am going as far as I could possibly go, seeking for my own boarders, figuring out a new culture and a new way of living all by myself. Surviving one may call it. Well that’s what I expect it to be at first but then I will blend in and find this new and unusual live, called; work live, very normal. At least that is what I think. Let us see if all these expectations have become reality on 1st July 2016, the end of my work placement with XPO Exhibitions Ltd.

So who am I then and what in the world made me choose for New Zealand?
Well I am Linda Adriana Adriaans, just turned 21 years old when I am leaving the Netherlands for a half year abroad. I grew up on a farm in a small village, all the way up to the most north easterly corner of the Netherlands. However, I have this big passion to see more of the world and learn about other cultures. I love to challenge myself and set some high goals to get the most out of life. At least that is, what I think of it. Although, my family is going through a hard time since two years ago. We never let this stop us. We encourage each other to get best out of life and to support each other with whatever we do. All of this together and the big stories every traveler brings back with them about this fabulous country, made me choose for New Zealand. I wanted to explore New Zealand with my own eyes. To see and discover what it is, that everyone is always so enthusiastic about this country.

But besides the wonderful country I chose, I chose for an event company. As my heart is within the event industry (which market within this industry, I have not figured out yet). My friends and family immediately said that they could really see this thing happening, when it became known that I would not do my internship whit a hotel anymore, but that I would work with an event company. The company that I was applying for; XPO Exhibitions, seemed like a right fit. XPO Exhibitions organizes trade events for business-2-business markets. This branch of event management seemed really interesting for me, as I haven’t been in contact with this side of event management before. Before this internship, I have only been to business-2-consumer events and did not have any clue about business-2-business events. This is also why this internship is very interesting to me.

Recente Reisverslagen:

31 Mei 2016

Family time/quality time

03 Mei 2016

Kia ora!

14 April 2016

Roadtrip & surfweekend

08 April 2016

Eerste bergklimtocht & bungeeee

13 Maart 2016

laaaanggg verhaal

Have you ever felt like you have been thrown in the deep? It feels like you do not have any boundaries anymore and you have to figure a lot out yourself. Well these are my expectations of my work placement. Not so much, that I do not have boundaries during my stay with XPO Exhibitions Ltd. Because I know there will be as they are one of the biggest trade show organizers in New Zealand and want to keep this name up. But more that I am going as far as I could possibly go, seeking for my own boarders, figuring out a new culture and a new way of living all by myself. Surviving one may call it. Well that’s what I expect it to be at first but then I will blend in and find this new and unusual live, called; work live, very normal. At least that is what I think. Let us see if all these expectations have become reality on 1st July 2016, the end of my work placement with XPO Exhibitions Ltd. So who am I then and what in the world made me choose for New Zealand? Well I am Linda Adriana Adriaans, just turned 21 years old when I am leaving the Netherlands for a half year abroad. I grew up on a farm in a small village, all the way up to the most north easterly corner of the Netherlands. However, I have this big passion to see more of the world and learn about other cultures. I love to challenge myself and set some high goals to get the most out of life. At least that is, what I think of it. Although, my family is going through a hard time since two years ago. We never let this stop us. We encourage each other to get best out of life and to support each other with whatever we do. All of this together and the big stories every traveler brings back with them about this fabulous country, made me choose for New Zealand. I wanted to explore New Zealand with my own eyes. To see and discover what it is, that everyone is always so enthusiastic about this country. But besides the wonderful country I chose, I chose for an event company. As my heart is within the event industry (which market within this industry I have not figured out yet). My friends and family immediately said that they could really see this thing happening, when it became known that I would not do my internship whit a hotel anymore, but that I would work with an event company. The company that I was applying for; XPO Exhibitions, seemed like a right fit. XPO Exhibitions organizes trade events for business-2-business markets. This branch of event management seemed really interesting for me, as I haven’t been in contact with this side of event management before. Before this internship, I have only been to business-2-consumer events and did not have any clue about business-2-business events. This is also why this internship is very interesting to me.

Actief sinds 22 Dec. 2015
Verslag gelezen: 282
Totaal aantal bezoekers 6031

Voorgaande reizen:

02 Februari 2016 - 26 Augustus 2016


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